Best Practice Below Threshold Data in Poland

In Poland, there is no legal obligation to publish procedures below the threshold, and most public bodies choose not to do so. However, the Municipality of Łódź has prepared and published detailed regulations on how to proceed with procurement that is under €30,000

The EU sets out rules for public procurement that is over a certain monetary threshold, so that the award of those contracts is fair, #ransparent & non-discriminatory. For tenders of lower value, national rules apply, though they have to respect general principles of EU law.

In Poland, there is no legal obligation to publish procedures below the threshold, and most public bodies choose not to do so. However, the Municipality of Łódź has prepared and published detailed regulations on how to proceed with procurement that is under €30,000.

Transparency in public procurement data is essential in preventing corruption and misuse of public funds The Municipality of Łódź is a case of best practice in preventing corruption by choosing to regulate and publish procurement procedures that fall under the EU threshold.

"The transparency requirements put in place by the Municipality of Łódź for below-the-threshold contracts go beyond what is required by the EU directives and is a great example of opening up local level procurement" - @Rachel__Hanna @Access_Info of the RECORD project