• Purchaser

    NISZ Nemzeti Infokommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt.

  • Publication date

    Mar 23, 2020

  • Type


  • Value Awarded

    90.2m Ft

  • Source


    P/N gyártói támogatás, gyártói szolgáltatás-előfizetés A szolgáltatással érintett, ajánlatkérőnél meglévő hardver/szoftver megnevezése Leírás Mennyiség (db) 1. 9006000048 Security Update Subscription (SUS) for DefensePro 60-10 DDoS Behavioral Protection and IPS DefensePro 60-10 DDoS Behavioral Protection and IPS DefensePro 6010 SSL and DefensePro 6010 Annual Security Update Subscription 4 2. 9070110 APSolute Vision RTU APSolute Vision Right to Use (RTU) for managing 6 physical and 60 virtual instances subscription 1 3. 9070107 APSolute Vision Reporter APSolute Vision Reporter APSolute Vision Reporter (AVR) software license providing historical security reporting subscription 1 4. 9062196S Standard Support for 10Gbps Pluggable Optics Singlemode LR 10Gbps Pluggable Optics Singlemode LR 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 3 5. 9062206S Standard Support for 10Gbps Pluggable Optics Multimode SR 10Gbps Pluggable Optics Multimode SR 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 12 6. 1900147001S Standard Support for Alteon D-5208S Deliver - 12G/ODS-VL2/16GB/SSL/HDD Alteon D-5208S Deliver - 12G/ ODS-VL2/16GB/SSL/HDD 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 1 7. 910189S Standard Support for Alteon 5208 - Second AC Power Supply - Factory Installed Alteon 5208 - Second AC Power Supply - Factory Installed 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 1 8. 9068074S Standard Support for DefenseFlow Behavioral Detection and Scrubbing CenterControl for 1000 Protected Objects DefenseFlow Behavioral Detection and Scrubbing CenterControl for 1000 Protected Objects 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 1 9. 19060071S Standard Support for Radware Flow Collector 2000 Radware Flow Collector 2000 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 1 10. 1927013S Standard Support for APSolute Vision – VA APSolute Vision 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 1 11. 1920137002S Standard Support for DefensePro 60-10 IPS and Behavioral Protection DefensePro 60-10 IPS and Behavioral Protection 7x24 technical support, NBD Advanced Replacement 4 12. 900145 HD Retention option valamennyi HDD/SSD Specialized technical support option that allows you to retain the hard disk drive (HDD) of a failed device eligible for Return Material Authorization (RMA) by Radware Support. 6 Ajánlatkérő felhívja a figyelmet a 321/2015. (X. 30.) Korm. rendelet 46. § (3) bekezdésében foglaltakra. Egyenértékű termék megajánlása esetén ajánlattevőnek az egyenértékűséget az ajánlati felhívás VI.3.21) pontjában meghatározottak szerint kell igazolnia.



    • Mar 26, 2020

      Invitation to participate

    • Sep 14, 2020

      Information on the outcome of the procedure

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