• Purchaser

    NISZ Nemzeti Infokommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt.

  • Publication date

    May 14, 2018

  • Type


  • Value Awarded

    150.3m Ft

  • Source


    (az építési beruházás, árubeszerzés vagy szolgáltatás jellege és mennyisége, illetve az igények és követelmények meghatározása) RSA-EMC logelemző rendszert alkotó hardvereknek és a kapcsolódó szoftver elemeknek gyártói támogatása 2019.08.31-ig Az RSA által biztosított „basic support” támogatás vagy azzal egyenértékű szolgáltatási tartalom A beszerzés tárgyába bevont eszközök / szoftverek Db Cikkszám Megnevezés 1 SA-S4H-AS Series4S HeadUnit-Analytics Server with 10 Users 1 SA-S4H-BRO Series 4 Modular Broker. 1U full depth, dual hex core 2.66GHZ, 96GB RAM, External FC/SAS support, Redundant 717W, 4-port 1G copper, Broker license, 1.68"H X 18.99"W X 30.39"D - Operating environmentals: 39LBS, 3.8AMPS, 1443.3BTU/H 2 SA-S4H-L-CON Series 4 Modular Concentrator - logs. 1U full depth, dual hex core 2.66GHZ, 96GB RAM, External FC/SAS support, Redundant 717W, 4-port 1G copper, Concentrator license, 1.68"H X 18.99"W X 30.39"D - Operating environmental: 39Lbs, 3.8 AMPS, 1443.3BTU/H for logs 4 SA-HPD12H1 3U, High Performance Direct Attached Appliance Capacity, 1.1T, SSD & 11T HDD Useable for DAS, 1-2TB Hot-Spares. Included Capacity license. 2 SA-S4H-L-DEC Series 4 Modular Decoder - Logs. 1U full depth, dual hex core 2.66GHZ, 96GB RAM, External FC/SAS support, Redundant 717W, 4-port 1G copper, Decoder license, 1.68"H X 18.99"W X 30.39"D - Operating Environmentals: 39LBS, 3.8AMPS, 1443.3BTU/H for logs 2 SA-HDD22-LL 3U, High Density direct attached appliance capacity, 22TB usable, 1HS for DAS. Includes capacity license. (for Log Decoder) 2 SA-S4H-ESA S4SHeadUnit EvntStrmAnalysis 2 SA-S4H-ARCH-MD S4SHeadUnit Archiver w/64TB 2 SA-HYBRID-L Series 4 Hybrid For Logs Appliance 1U - 10,000 EPS capture/metadata aggregator, 1U , 96GB RAM, 8.5TB, Linux, 4port copper 2 SA-HDD22-LLH 22TB High Density Direct Attach Capacity for Log Hybrid w/ lic 2 SA-S4H-ARCH-SM S4SHeadUnit Archiver w/32TB 2 SA-HYBRID-L Series 4 Hybrid For Logs Appliance 1U - 10,000 EPS capture/ metadata aggregator, 1U, 96GB RAM, 8.5TB, Linux, 4port copper 2 SA-HDD22-LLH 22TB High Density Direct Attach Capacity for Log Hybrid w/ lic 2 SA-S4H-ARCH-SM S4SHeadUnit Archiver w/32TB 1 SA-S4H-AS Series4S Head Unit - Analytics Server with 10 Users 1 SA-HYBRID-L Series 4 Hybrid For Logs Appliance 1U - 10,000 EPS capture/metadata aggregator, 1U, 96GB RAM, 8.5TB, Linux, 4port copper 1 SA-HDD22-LLH 22TB High DensityDirect Attach Capacity for Log Hybrid w/ lic 1 SA-S4H-ESA S4SHeadUnit EvntStrmAnalysis 1 SA-S4H-ARCH-SM S4SHeadUnit Archiver w/32TB 1 VLC Virtual Log Collector – szoftver appliance



    • May 14, 2018

      Invitation to participate

    • Oct 4, 2018

      Information on the outcome of the procedure

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