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Installation of doors and windows and related components
95.3b Ft
Sheeting work
51.6b Ft
Air-conditioning installation work
47.8b Ft
Underground work other than tunnels, shafts and subways
47.4b Ft
Construction work for water and sewage pipelines
37.6b Ft
Multi-functional buildings construction work
18.8b Ft
Electrical fitting work
6.1b Ft
Bridge renewal construction work
5.6b Ft
Primary works for services
5.4b Ft
Geothermal power station construction work
4.6b Ft
Construction work for communication lines
3.4b Ft
Installation of gates
3.2b Ft
Road bridge construction work
2.8b Ft
Archaeological services
2.6b Ft
Installation of doors and windows
2.4b Ft
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
2.2b Ft
Solar panel roof-covering work
1.8b Ft
Roof repair
1.6b Ft
Flats construction work
1.3b Ft
Roof repair and maintenance work
1.1b Ft
Roof-covering work
1.1b Ft
Ironmongery work
1.1b Ft
Boiler installation work
1.1b Ft
Urban development construction work
1b Ft
Installation of suspended ceilings
870.7m Ft
Installation work of cooling equipment
774.6m Ft
Roof insulation work
758.8m Ft
Footbridge construction work
684.9m Ft
Installation of windows
659m Ft
Road-inspection services
431.9m Ft
Topographical surveys of archaeological sites
346.8m Ft
Installation of doors
267.9m Ft
Installation of built-in furniture
259.6m Ft
Construction works for saunas
209.9m Ft
Non-metal joinery installation work
188.8m Ft
Roof maintenance work
179.9m Ft
Site-development work
171.2m Ft
Roof-tiling work
162.9m Ft
Installation of pipe system
152.8m Ft
Topographical services
137.5m Ft
Roof-slating work
128.6m Ft
Weighbridge construction work
125.4m Ft
98m Ft
Installation of metal joinery except doors and windows
92.3m Ft
Bridge-inspection services
83.6m Ft
Flashing work
78.5m Ft
Site-clearance work
64.5m Ft
Meteorology services
60.9m Ft
37.5m Ft
Installation of partition walls
29.9m Ft
Installation of fitted kitchens
29.1m Ft
Leak-testing services
26m Ft
Guttering work
18.2m Ft
Geophysical prospecting services
10.8m Ft
Installation work of awnings
0 Ft
Pedestrian tunnel construction work
0 Ft
Waterproofing work
0 Ft
Bolts and screws
0 Ft
Coach bolts and screws
0 Ft
Electrical insulating fittings
0 Ft
Boxes and lockers
0 Ft
Stratigraphic geology services
0 Ft


Risk Indicators


