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Road construction works
12.2b zł
8.1b zł
Surface work for roads
4.5b zł
Road-repair works
3.1b zł
Construction work for highways, roads
1.9b zł
Various surface works
856.7m zł
Paving and asphalting works
838.4m zł
Cycle path construction work
837.9m zł
Surface work for streets
567.1m zł
Road-maintenance works
500.4m zł
Secondary road construction work
465.5m zł
Road-surface painting work
438.8m zł
Construction work for highways
416.4m zł
Installation of metal structures
367.5m zł
Parking lot construction work
312.4m zł
Surfacing work except for roads
259.5m zł
Carriageway resurfacing works
218.9m zł
Installation of road signs
153.1m zł
Park-and-ride facility construction work
149.7m zł
Footpath construction work
134.8m zł
Installation of road signals
125.2m zł
Single carriageway construction work
123.3m zł
Erection of road-barriers
116.8m zł
Construction work for buildings relating to air transport
113.3m zł
Access road construction work
104.9m zł
Surface work for footpaths
94.9m zł
Pedestrian ways construction work
92.3m zł
Office block construction work
80.5m zł
Roundabout construction work
64.4m zł
Beach-consolidation works
58.4m zł
Construction work for buildings relating to road transport
55m zł
Main road construction works
54.5m zł
Structural steelworks
47.7m zł
Construction work for buildings relating to various means of transport
40.1m zł
Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures
37.4m zł
Crossroad construction work
35.9m zł
Highway maintenance work
33.4m zł
Reinforced-concrete structures
26.8m zł
Installation of safety equipment
22.3m zł
Ring road construction work
20.8m zł
Bus-stop shelter construction work
18.6m zł
Resurfacing works
17.9m zł
Trunk road construction work
16.4m zł
Pedestrian zone construction work
9.5m zł
Installation works of walkways
8.4m zł
Bus station construction work
8.3m zł
Maintenance hangar construction work
6.6m zł
Dual carriageway construction work
6.6m zł
Construction works for recycling station
5.8m zł
Quay wall construction work
5.6m zł
Foundation work for footpaths
4.5m zł
Railway station construction work
4.5m zł
Pedestrian overpass construction work
4.2m zł
Surface coating construction work
3.8m zł
Car park building construction work
3.2m zł
Service depot construction work
3m zł
Agricultural buildings construction work
2.8m zł
Shop units construction work
1.6m zł
Installation of street furniture
942.6k zł
Road junction construction work
888.8k zł
Bus garage construction work
794k zł
Motorway service area construction work
658.5k zł
Installation of bollards
598.2k zł
Petrol/gas stations construction work
588.9k zł
Prefabricated units
509k zł
Airport buildings construction work
460.8k zł
Slip road construction work
348k zł
Paths and other metalled surfaces
325.9k zł
Prefabricated constructions
247k zł
Airport control tower construction work
225.7k zł
Cowsheds construction work
196.3k zł
Verge maintenance work
132k zł
Abattoir construction work
93k zł


Risk Indicators


