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Construction work for sports facilities
1.2b zł
Landscaping work
567.1m zł
Construction work for art and cultural buildings
467.1m zł
Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas
409.6m zł
Construction work in connection with structures for sports ground
386.4m zł
Landscaping work for green areas
266.3m zł
Construction work for swimming pool
249.6m zł
Sports hall construction work
243.4m zł
Gymnasium construction work
223m zł
Fire-alarm system installation work
186.8m zł
Landscaping work for parks
180.5m zł
Landscaping work for playgrounds
178.1m zł
Multi-purpose sports facilities construction work
160.2m zł
Museum construction work
136.5m zł
Theatre construction work
127.6m zł
Recreation installation
110.6m zł
Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest
104.4m zł
Landscaping work for roads and motorways
90.9m zł
Stadium construction work
87.2m zł
Parts of structures
75.6m zł
Earthmoving work
60m zł
Site-reclamation work
47.3m zł
Palace construction work
43.4m zł
Land-reclamation work
39.8m zł
Theme park construction work
36m zł
Lecture hall construction work
31.6m zł
Landscaping work for gardens
23.3m zł
Ice rink construction work
19.9m zł
Historical monument or memorial construction work
19.3m zł
Maintenance and repair of information technology equipment
18.3m zł
Hotel construction work
12.6m zł
Bus shelters
12.4m zł
Lightning-protection works
11.2m zł
Topsoil-stripping work
11m zł
Religious buildings construction work
10.3m zł
Cinema construction work
8m zł
Security screens
7.8m zł
Recreation centre construction work
7.8m zł
Landscaping work for cemeteries
7.3m zł
Leisure centre construction work
6.2m zł
Amusement park construction work
5.9m zł
Lightning-conductor installation work
5.3m zł
Installation of changing rooms
5.3m zł
Castle construction work
5.2m zł
Repair and maintenance work in connection with sports facilities
4.2m zł
Short-stay accommodation construction work
3.4m zł
Prehistoric monument construction work
3.1m zł
Roof frames
2.9m zł
2.8m zł
Church construction work
2.7m zł
Entertainment building construction work
2.6m zł
Construction work for restaurants and similar facilities
2.3m zł
Electricity poles
2.2m zł
Winter-sports facilities construction work
2.1m zł
Lock gates
1.6m zł
Exhibition centre construction work
1.5m zł
Radio masts
1.4m zł
Excavation work at archaeological sites
995.8k zł
Maintenance of information technology equipment
869.2k zł
Tool kits
321.3k zł
Sluice gates
227.9k zł
Sport markings works
200.2k zł
Scaffolding structures
193.2k zł
185k zł
Landscaping work for golf courses
160.4k zł
Hostel construction work
147k zł
135k zł
Screwdriver bits
119.9k zł
Ticket offices construction work
106.8k zł
85.9k zł
Entertainment centre construction work
0 zł
0 zł
0 zł


Risk Indicators


