1. Publications
  2. Country Profiles
  3. Where and how is the data published?

Related information that could be useful


Business registry

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no


If yes, source (URL)


If yes, is the data machine-readable?


How long is the data available? (number of years)

Since 2001


Captcha – only single records

Public officials’ asset and activities declarations

Is it mandatory?


Who is included? (public officials in high levels, MPs…)


Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no


If yes, source (URL)

Not centrally. On each of entities website

If yes, is the data machine-readable?


If yes, how long is the data available? (number of years or “only while they are in their positions”, for example)

5 years



Business registry

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no

yes, but captcha protected

If yes, source (URL)


If yes, is the data machine-readable?


How long is the data available? (number of years)

25 years


Public officials’ asset and activities declarations

Is it mandatory?


Who is included? (public officials in high levels, MPs…)

MPs, mayors, govt members, all types of decision makers

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no

different regimes apply , no central database

If yes, source (URL)


If yes, is the data machine-readable?


If yes, how long is the data available? (number of years or “only while they are in their positions”, for example)

1-4 years


most are scanned pdfs


Business registry

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no


If yes, source (URL)

If yes, is the data machine-readable?

How long is the data available? (number of years)


It’s open, and we could have the data from it, but you cannot download, search for any company, they don’t have data before 2009 (so you cannot have a real situation of the companies) and they don’t have an unique id, so the names are messy all the time.

Public officials’ asset and activities declarations

Is it mandatory?


Who is included? (public officials in high levels, MPs…)

MPS, public officials (but less info in the second ones, only basic numbers and not info about companies, the juicy part)

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no


If yes, source (URL)

Different sources (oficial gazzete, parliament webpage)

If yes, is the data machine-readable?


If yes, how long is the data available? (number of years or “only while they are in their positions”, for example)

Only while they are in their positions


  • Tax debtors (more than 1M€) - they’re forbidden to bid


Business registry

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no


If yes, source (URL)

If yes, is the data machine-readable?

How long is the data available? (number of years)

since 1992


Public officials’ asset and activities declarations

Is it mandatory?


Who is included? (public officials in high levels, MPs…)

  1. President of Romania
  2. Presidential advisors and state councilors
  3. presidents of Parliament Chambers
  4. Romanian members of the European Parliament and Romanian members in the European Comission
  5. The prime-minister, the Government members, the state secretary and the ones asmilated to them, as well as, the prime-minister’s state councilors.
  6. Members of Superior Council of Magistracy
  7. Judges, prosecutor, assistant magistrates, the ones assimilated to them, as well as legal assistants.
  8. Auxiliary specialized staff from courts and prosecutors’ offices.
  9. Judges from the Constitutional Court
  10. Members of Court of Accounts and staff in leading possitions and control in this court
  11. President of the Legislative Council and the presidents of the section
  12. Public Defender and
  13. The president and the vice-president of the National Supervisory Authority For Personal Data Processing
  14. Members of Competition Council
  15. Members of the National Securities Commission
  16. Members of the Economic and Social Council
  17. Members of the Comission Council of the Insurance Supervisory
  18. Members of the Council’s Comission of the Insurance Supervisory
  19. Members of Council’s Commison of Private Pension System of Supervisory
  20.  Members of The National Council of Combating Discrimination
  21. Members of National Audiovisual Council
  22. Members of administration councils and comitees of Romanian Society of Radio Broadcasting and the Romanian Society of Televison
  23.  President and vice-president of the National Integrity Agency
  24.  General Director and members of the board of directors of National News Agency AGERPRES
  25.  Director of Romanian Intelligence Service, prime-deputy and his deputies
  26. Director of Foreign Intelligence Service and his deputies
  27. Diplomatic and Consular Staff
  28.  Director of the Protection Service, prime-deputy and his deputy
  29. Director of the Special Telecommunication Service, prime-deputy and his deputies
  30.  People in leading and control positions, as well as public servants, including those with a special status, who are working in central or local public authorities or, depending on the case, in all the public institutions
  31. People in leading and control positions in units of the education system and units from the health system
  32.  Staff from dignitary cabinet from the central public administration, as well as staff from the prefect’s office
  33. Members of the administations councils, of leading councils and the supervisory councils, as well as people who have a leading position in self-governing regions fron the national and local level, companies and national societies, or, depending on the case, commercial societies where the state or a local administrative authority is a significant shareholder
  34. Governor, prime-vicegovernor, vice-governor, members of administration council, emploeeys in leading positions of the Romanian National Bank, as well as the people with leading positions in bank where the state is a significant shareholder.
  35. Staff of public institutions, including staff with individual employment contract, imvolved in privatization process, as well as, staff from public institutions and public authorities, including staff with individual public contract, who manage and implement programmes and projects funded from forign funds and union confederations
  36. Presidents, vicepresidents, secretary and tresurer of unions confederations
  37. Prefects and subprefects
  38. Candidates for President of Romanian, deputy, senator, county councelor, local councelor, president of the county council and the mayor

Is it published openly? (free online access) yes/no


If yes, source (URL)


If yes, is the data machine-readable?

no but there is a project that opened a significant part of the data:


If yes, how long is the data available? (number of years or “only while they are in their positions”, for example)

only while they are in their positions


Law no. 176/2010