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10940 tenders

24m € awarded


Construction work for electricity power lines
2.6m €
2.3m €
Flashing work
2.1m €
Bridge construction work
1.6m €
Pipeline relaying works
1.1m €
Roof repair and maintenance work
1.1m €
Roof repair
963.9k €
Pipeline lifting and relaying
890.2k €
Roof-covering work
773.8k €
Bridge renewal construction work
689k €
Construction work for water and sewage pipelines
657.6k €
599.4k €
Gas supply mains construction work
487.5k €
451.1k €
Installation of pipe system
422.3k €
Gas distribution ancillary work
217.5k €
Waterproofing work
200.7k €
173.9k €
Construction work for cooling towers
140.4k €
Guttering work
104.8k €
Urban development construction work
90.4k €
Solar panel roof-covering work
80.6k €
Road tunnel construction work
72.3k €
Garage doors
49.9k €
Metal roof-covering work
47.2k €
Sliding doors
44.5k €
27.6k €
Roof insulation work
19k €
Construction works for saunas
16.1k €
Construction work for communication lines
10.2k €
Roof maintenance work
9.1k €
District-heating plant construction work
3.5k €
Pedestrian tunnel construction work
1.6k €
Bituminous roof-covering work
1.2k €
French windows
103.32999801636 €
Construction work for iron bridges
0 €
Weighbridge construction work
0 €
Aircraft-engine repair services
0 €
Cement roof-coating work
0 €
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
0 €
Flats construction work
0 €
Multi-functional buildings construction work
0 €

