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5301 tenders

886.2m UAH awarded


Printers and plotters
594.4m UAH
Laser printers
73.6m UAH
Central controlling unit
20.8m UAH
Information technology services
18.6m UAH
Inkjet printers
12m UAH
Database and operating software development services
4.4m UAH
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software development services
3m UAH
2.7m UAH
Dot-matrix printers
2.3m UAH
Colour graphics printers
1.7m UAH
Software development services suites
1.7m UAH
Document management software development services
1.5m UAH
Internet and intranet software development services
1.1m UAH
Database software development services
1m UAH
Financial analysis and accounting software development services
970.6k UAH
License management software development services
713.1k UAH
Communication software development services
598.4k UAH
Accounting software development services
546.1k UAH
Web page editing software development services
321.2k UAH
IT software development services
314k UAH
Networking, Internet and intranet software development services
289.9k UAH
Educational software development services
289.5k UAH
Mapping software development services
199k UAH
Medical software development services
179.6k UAH
Multimedia software development services
156.6k UAH
Analytical or scientific software development services
145.1k UAH
Exchange software development services
132.2k UAH
Enterprise resource planning software development services
120k UAH
Music or sound editing software development services
97.7k UAH
Form making software development services
96.4k UAH
Security software development services
90k UAH
Content management software development services
65k UAH
System management software development services
55.4k UAH
Inventory management software development services
49.5k UAH
Drawing and imaging software development services
49.5k UAH
Miscellaneous networking software development services
48.8k UAH
Video conferencing software development services
40k UAH
Anti-virus software development services
38.4k UAH
Web server software development services
33.2k UAH
Customer Relation Management software development services
32.6k UAH
Programming languages and tools development services
23.5k UAH
Financial analysis software development services
20k UAH
Internet browsing software development services
19.3k UAH
Library software development services
18k UAH
Backup or recovery software development services
16.2k UAH
Modem software development services
15.5k UAH
Document creation software development services
14.3k UAH
Computer game software development services, family titles and screen savers
10k UAH
Remote access software development services
6k UAH
Storage media loading software development services
5.4k UAH
Personal computer (PC) operating system software development services
5k UAH
Word-processing software development services
4.8k UAH
Procurement software development services
4.8k UAH
Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems
4.2k UAH
Electronic publishing software development services
4.2k UAH
System, storage and content management software development services
3.4k UAH
Facilities management software development services and software development services suite
3.4k UAH
Sales or marketing software development services
2.5k UAH
Drivers and system software development services
2.1k UAH
Tax preparation software development services
1.8k UAH
Statistical software development services
1.3k UAH
Virus protection software development services
1.1k UAH
Networking software development services
540 UAH
File security software development services
400 UAH
Training software development services
400 UAH
Transaction-processing software development services

Risk Indicators


