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Construction work for highways, roads
99.2b Ft
Road construction works
92.7b Ft
Embankment works
39.3b Ft
Cycle path construction work
37.4b Ft
Surface coating construction work
31b Ft
Construction work for industrial buildings
23.7b Ft
Agricultural buildings construction work
20.9b Ft
Road-repair works
17.5b Ft
Surface work for roads
15.3b Ft
Various surface works
11.3b Ft
Market construction work
8.1b Ft
Parking lot construction work
8.1b Ft
Road-maintenance works
7.8b Ft
Carriageway resurfacing works
7.3b Ft
Installation of road signs
6.2b Ft
Surface work for footpaths
6.1b Ft
Secondary road construction work
4.9b Ft
Industrial units construction work
4.8b Ft
Car park building construction work
4.7b Ft
Access road construction work
4.3b Ft
Installation works of walkways
4b Ft
Surface work for streets
3.3b Ft
Road-surface painting work
2.9b Ft
Cold-storage installations
2.7b Ft
Footpath construction work
2.7b Ft
Pedestrian overpass construction work
2.7b Ft
Pedestrian ways construction work
2.2b Ft
Underground car park construction work
2.1b Ft
Installation of street furniture
1.9b Ft
Pedestrian zone construction work
1.9b Ft
Bus station construction work
1.7b Ft
Office block construction work
1.7b Ft
Installation of road signals
1.4b Ft
Verge maintenance work
1.3b Ft
Foundation work for roads
1.2b Ft
Roundabout construction work
1.2b Ft
Foundation work for footpaths
843.8m Ft
T-junction construction work
809.8m Ft
Installation of safety equipment
721m Ft
Paths and other metalled surfaces
714.5m Ft
Cowsheds construction work
705.1m Ft
Abattoir construction work
679m Ft
Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures
541.6m Ft
Installation of bollards
500m Ft
Parking-lot-surface painting work
412.2m Ft
Service-area building construction work
392.7m Ft
Slip road construction work
358.1m Ft
Installation of metal structures
325.8m Ft
Foundation work for streets
271.8m Ft
Paving and asphalting works
230.2m Ft
Beach-consolidation works
222.2m Ft
Service area construction work
136.7m Ft
Barn construction work
132.5m Ft
Maintenance hangar construction work
89.4m Ft
Reinforced-concrete structures
50m Ft
Railway station construction work
33.9m Ft
Road junction construction work
0 Ft
Dog kennels construction work
0 Ft


Risk Indicators


