• Purchaser

    Zakład Usług Miejskich "Muniserwis" Zakład Budżetowy

  • Publication date

    Dec 5, 2017

  • Type

    Przetarg nieograniczony

  • Value Awarded

    1.5m zł

  • Notices

    • Dec 5, 2017

      Intention to award the contract

    • Jan 17, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 18, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 18, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 18, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 18, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 22, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 22, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 23, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 26, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 26, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 31, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Jan 31, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Feb 5, 2018

      Award of the contract

    • Feb 13, 2018

      Award of the contract

  • Risk indicators